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Effective tonight (April 20, 2020) at 8:00pm everyone finding themselves in a public space in Connecticut will be required to wear protective face coverings when they are unable to maintain social distancing of six feet.  This new rule is part of Governor Lamont’s latest Executive Order 7BB (click here to read text).

In addition, the new face covering mandate also covers retail stores and workplaces that are still operating under prior Executive Orders and is to be followed when using taxi’s, ride sharing services and mass transit (as well as certain mass transit waiting areas).  The Executive Order includes a provision which exempts small children and individuals with pre-existing medical conditions which prohibit the use of such masks, from having to comply.  The Governor’s latest Executive Order follows recent guidance from the Federal CDC and is in line with what many other states are beginning to implement.

On a side note, Executive Order 7BB also postponed Connecticut’s presidential primary to August 11, 2020.

Key Text of Executive Order 7BB
“Cloth Face Coverings or Higher Level of Protection Required in Public Wherever Close Contact is Unavoidable. Effective at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, April 20, 2020, any person in a public place in Connecticut who is unable to or does not maintain a safe social distance of approximately six feet from every other person shall cover their mouth and nose with a mask or cloth face-covering. In addition, individuals shall use a mask or cloth face covering when using the services of any taxi, car, livery, ride-sharing or similar service or means of mass public transit, or while within any semi-enclosed transit stop or waiting area. The Commissioner of Economic and Community Development shall issue updated versions to the Safe Workplace rules issued pursuant to Executive Order No. 7V, Section 1 and the Safe Stores rules issued pursuant to Executive Order No. 7S, Section 1, which updated versions shall set forth additional requirements for face coverings within those settings. Nothing in this order shall require the use of a mask or cloth face covering by anyone for whom doing so would be contrary to his or her health or safety because of a medical condition, a child in a child care setting, anyone under the age of 2 years, or an older child if the parent, guardian or person responsible for the child is unable to place the mask safely on the child’s face. If a person declines to wear a mask or face covering because of a medical condition as described above, such person shall not be required to produce medical documentation verifying the stated condition. This order shall supersede and preempt any current or future municipal order. “



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