Last week Connecticut’s Governor Ned Lamont announced the Phase II reopening of Connecticut businesses would be moved up from the scheduled June 20th to June 17th. This news was met with much enthusiasm by Connecticut businesses, employees and residents, but with it brought many questions.
Business covered under the Phase II reopening include:
- Restaurants (outdoor, indoor, no bar areas) (click here for sector rules)
- Hotels/Lodging (click here for sector rules)
- All personal services (click here for sector rules)
- Indoor recreation (click here for sector rules)
- Sports, Sports clubs & complexes, Gyms, Fitness centers, Pools (click here for sector rules)
- Outdoor arts, Entertainment, Events (limited capacity) (click here for sector rules)
- Amusement parks (click here for sector rules)
- Libraries (click here for sector rules)
- Museums, Zoos, Aquariums (click here for sector rules)
- Social clubs (Social Clubs to follow all rules applicable to their operation (e.g. Restaurant, Pool))
Many of the reopening guidelines required in Phase II closely resemble those required of other Connecticut businesses which have already been granted reopening privileges. Guidelines include (i) the requirement for businesses to obtain a reopening certification badge from the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development, indicating compliance with state guidelines (link provided), (ii) social distancing, (iii) cleaning and PPE usage, (iv) signage, and (v) capacity limitations.
The above links should get all Phase II business started on their reopening plans. We urge you to plan now so you can focus on reigniting your business and not be bogged down by these regulations If you have questions, seek competent counsel. Brody and Associates continues to closely monitor reopening guidelines across the Tri-State and is ready to assist business owners in their re-opening efforts in a compliant and efficient manner.
The subject matter discussed in this post can be very technical. It is an evolving area of law and very fact specific. Our goal here is to simply alert you to some of the key issues involved. We urge you to seek competent legal counsel before applying these ideas to your specific situation. Brody and Associates stands ready to discuss your particular needs.