Discrimination and Harassment, Employment, Legislative Updates, News, ReligiousMay 11, 2023Supreme Court set to Hear Religious Accommodation Case- Could Test Decades Long Standard
UncategorizedMay 2, 2023Franchising and Noncompetes: How the FTC’s Proposed Rule Leaves out Franchisees
Employment-at-Will / Restrictive CovenantsApril 14, 2023Legal Guidance or Abuse of Power? NLRB’s Abruzzo faces second lawsuit for captive audience memos.
Employment, Legal Updates, Legislative UpdatesApril 14, 2023Anti-Trust Laws Could Result in Criminal Charges for Companies’ Utilizing No-Poach Agreements
Disability, Discrimination and Harassment, EmploymentApril 14, 2023EEOC Claims Papa John’s Unlawfully Terminated Blind Worker
Legal Updates, Legislative Updates, Wage and HourApril 6, 2023California Bill Would Create Automatic Joint Liability for Large Franchisor-Franchisee QSRs
Discrimination and Harassment, Employment, Legislative UpdatesJanuary 27, 2023Every Employee Deserves a ‘Clean Slate’ in Connecticut
UncategorizedDecember 22, 2022NLRB Imposes New Restrictions on Property Owners’ Ability to Remove Protesters
UncategorizedDecember 22, 2022NLRB Makes it Easier for Unions to Define Bargaining Units of Their Own Choosing