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Two Former Union Lawyers Appointed to NLRB, Lone Republican Outnumbered Three to One

With bipartisan support failing in the Senate for President Obama’s three appointees (two Democrats and one Republican) to the National Labor Relations Board, the President decided to charge ahead anyway. When the Senate entered its spring recess, President Obama bypassed Senate approval for the two Democrat appointees by making recess appointments. The slate of appointees consisted of two former union attorneys (Democrats) and a former management attorney (a Republican). Although there was a bipartisan agreement to vote on the entire slate as a whole, strong opposition grew among Republicans and many Democrats against the appointment of Craig Becker. Having been Associate General Counsel to the Service Employees International Union for 20 years, many doubted his ability to be neutral. The two Democrat appointees joined existing members Wilma B. Liebman (Democrat) and Peter Schaumber (Republican).
