As an employer, you are responsible for complying with hundreds of rules and regulations while also profitably delivering your products and services to your customers. The costs for non-compliance can be enormous as plaintiffs’ lawyers and government agencies search out violations. You don’t have to do it alone. These webpages are intended to help you understand the legal challenges and obligations that you face.
At Brody and Associates, we believe a proactive approach is your best defense and that starts with knowledge. That’s why we work with clients to identify and solve problems. Often, employers violate the law out of innocent ignorance rather than bad faith. Learning to ask the right questions is more than half the battle. We invite you to explore this Employment Law Resource Center to learn more about your legal obligations. We encourage you to work with counsel to identify and correct any issues before a government audit or a lawsuit threatens your business.
Brody and Associates stands ready to guide you, should you need assistance. We regularly assist employers with HR audits, handbooks, training programs, tough employment decisions, and more. If we can be of assistance, please contact us at or 203-454-0560.